Wow - it's been well over two years since I last posted on my blog!
That absence can best be explained by - life happens! At the time of my last post, I'd been unemployed for nine months. Since that time. I accepted a job in a city 600 miles away, moved myself (without family, as we were unable to sell our house) to said new city and began a new career. I devoted myself to learning a new job in a new industry and working my tail off, as I was suddenly the "new guy" again.
After nine months of living alone, we managed to sell the house back in Maryland, and we were able to buy a new home in Atlanta and move my family down to be together again. In the year and four months since that time, I've worked even harder, continuing to learn as much as I can and do as much as I can at work, but now while working to take the best possible care of my family and make up for those nine months spent apart.
Obviously, gaming has suffered. During the nine months of living alone, I was able to tackle (and most surprisingly) complete some gaming projects. Nothing major, but at my glacial speed of painting/modeling, it was darn near miraculous. Now that I am once again a full-time husband/dad with a full-time job, my gaming time has dwindled. Don't get me wrong - I would not trade either for more "me" time, but the facts are as they are.
So, I now content myself with even smaller projects, working on warbands for the excellent
Songs of Blades and Heroes skirmish rules by
Ganesha Games and whatever else strikes my fancy at the time. I am a "flitterer" - flitting from project to project, genre to genre - and the end result is that my table is covered with half-finished, half-painted figures and terrain. I have come to accept that fact about myself, and it no longer makes me crazy. Eventually, some projects will get completed while others will continue to gather dust. And for me, that is okay. I do not game regularly, so my painting and modeling serve one purpose - to amuse me. As long as that happens, I am happy.
As for the blog, my ambitious plans are likely to never be achieved - bi-weekly (or even monthly) in-depth posts detailing every aspect of my latest scheme are unreasonable, especially in light of the fact that many weeks I don't even get a chance to work on said projects.
But I do plan to continue dropping in from time to time and sharing my thoughts and some photos (starting with replacing the pic of the primed white pirate at top right on my blog with a photo of one of my, finally!, painted pirated crew). Hope to see you back as well!